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Our Concerns

Friends of Knowland Park and other groups and individuals are concerned about the planned Oakland Zoo expansion into the largest remaining parcel of freely accessible public open space owned by the city. Our concerns include:

- Principle #4 of the Oakland General Plan's Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element (principles which were established to guide management of all open space resources within the city) states that there should be no net loss of open space within the city when buildings and related facilities are constructed. The planned zoo expansion would result in a net loss of freely accessible public open space.

- The Oakland General Plan's Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element specifically states (p. 5-46) that "the substantial portion of Knowland Park above the zoo and picnic grounds...is to remain in its natural state and be managed for resource conservation and fire hazard reduction." We believe that conversion of this property to zoo grounds, restaurant, veterinary hospital, etc. does not conform with the General Plan.

- The Zoo Master Plan was approved with a Mitigated Negative Declaration in 1998, but we believe that an Environmental Impact Report should be completed, appraising the current situation, since conditions have changed since the Initial Study was completed more than ten years ago.

- Policy CO-9.1 of Oakland General Plan's Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element calls for protection of rare, endangered and threatened species. The burrowing owl, a special status animal species in Oakland, was reported to have been seen by a former zoo employee in the Knowland Park open space. The mitigation measures do not address burrowing owl habitat. Vernal pools used by frogs are also present and would be disrupted by the planned developments.

- While the project has been scaled back somewhat and moved away from houses, the plans have been changed dramatically since a 1998 agreement was reached with some neighborhood groups.

- Policy OS-10.1 of Oakland General Plan's Open Space, Conservation and Recreation Element calls for protecting the character of existing scenic views. The existing open space on which the zoo proposes to expand is a geographically and visually unique parcel, featuring rolling topography and panoramic hill and Bay views that provide a glimpse into what this area must have been like before settlement. We believe the expansion should be kept off knolls and below the ridgeline to the west so these views are protected.

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indeed, it's the only thing that ever does." - - Margaret Mead