Friends of Knowland Park Survey

This survey is intended to gather information on who uses Knowland Park, and how.
Please fill in as much as you feel comfortable with; use your mouse or your Tab key
to move between fields, and when you're done, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom.

We promise to protect your information and respect your privacy.

Information About You:

Street Address




Home Phone Number

Any Other Phone Number

Email Address

You and Knowland Park:
How do you use Knowland Park?

How many times a month do you use Knowland Park?

Are you aware of the Oakland Zoo's plans for expansion within the park,
and the effects this expansion will have on other users and uses of the land?

Yes        No
If yes, what is your opinion of these plans?

You and the Friends of Knowland Park:
Would you like us to notify you via email about such changes?
Yes        No

Would you like to express your opinions on these matters directly to officials of the Zoo and the City?
Yes        No

Would you like us to notify you of meetings you may wish to attend?
Yes        No

Would you like to help with this work?
Yes        No
What would you like to do?

Would you be able to make a small donation to help defray the legal costs of this effort?
Yes        No
(If you answered "Yes" to the questions above, please make sure you have provided us with your contact information.)